VII International Congress of the ECSSS

General Topics

To cover a wide range of topics in Soil Sciences, seventeen General Topics (GTs listed below) were identified that should encompass most areas of interest. In addition, the topic, "5th EUSO Stakeholders Forum - Cutting edge developments with the EU Soil Mission", is included for those who submit their work to the event organized by the EU-Soil Observatory, which will take place in parallel on Tuesday, 9th.
When submitting an abstract, the authors will be asked to rank their top two GT preferences for consideration. Specific Scientific Committee (SC) members will handle the GTs. Following the SC's review process, additional subtopics may be introduced for the final program based on the themes received. In addition, the opening of subtopics will also be considered upon request by individual participants or groups. (deadline 31st March 2025, contact us at
GT 1. Soil Genesis, Evolution and Classification
GT 2. Soil Physical Chemistry
GT 3. Soil Biogeochemistry & Global Change
GT 4. Soil Biology & Microbiology
GT 5. Soil Hydrology & Erosion
GT 6. Soil Productive Sectors: Economy and Sustainability
GT 7. Soil Amendments & Fertilizers
GT 8. Soil-Plant-Water Interactions
GT 9. Soil Health
GT 10. Soil Carbon Dynamics and Stabilization
GT 11. Soil Degradation, Desertification, Contamination - Conservation, Mitigation, Remediation
GT 12. Soil Natural Hazards: Fires, Floodings, Landslides
GT 13. Land Fragmentation, Urban and Anthropogenic Soils
GT 14. Soil Data Acquisition, Curation, Sharing & Modelling
GT 15. Cross Cutting, Emerging & Transdisciplinary Topics in the Soil
GT 16. Connecting People and Soils
GT 17. EUrope: Research, Education, Communication & Policy
5th EUSO Stakeholders Forum - Cutting edge developments with the EU Soil Mission